Kleine Humboldt Galerie, ed.
zwischen körpern / among bodies
How our bodies see, are seen, and behave with and among other bodies, is inevitably political. To move the body is also always to insist on meaning—just as meaning is always in movement.
zwischen körpern was first conceived as a group exhibition by the Kleine Humboldt Galerie in the Gerlachbau of for the Tieranatomisches Theater, the seat of the Helmholtz Zentrum für Kulturtechnik that occupies the former veterinary school of Humboldt University in Berlin. Paradoxically, only a few months prior to its opening, the project had to be reimagined in book space due to the public health measures adopted to respond to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Since an exhibition in the former slaughterhouse of the historical Tierarzneischule—an important site for early zoonosis research—was no longer permitted, zwischen körpern now unfolds as printed matter through a unique collaboration with K. Verlag.
The book-as-exhibition presents ten contemporary art positions that each explore the complex and intimate dynamics that expose our bodies to new technologies, social pressures, and desires for liberation. As a curatorial experiment within the micro-architecture of the book, the project initiates singular relays from sculpture, installation, video, photography, and performance to paper that enable parallel engagements with decolonial and intersectional feminist perspectives.
zwischen körpern / among bodies. Book concept by Kleine Humboldt Galerie. Curatorial-editorial team: Franziska Dommers, Lotta Feibicke, Nikolas Geier, Eileen Kesseler, Patricia Kühn, Anna Latzko, Monique Machicao y Priemer Ferrufino, Sarah Marcinkowski, Katharina Ripea, Evelyn Sutter, Nicole Wittmann, and Yuanwen Zhong. With artworks by Kirstin Burckhardt, Marco Buetikofer, Carolina Caycedo, Stine Deja, Lotte Meret Effinger, Ester Fleckner, Yngve Holen, Luisa Krautien, Michael Liani, Theresa Schubert, and Zuzana Svatik; additional texts by Michaela Dudley, Felix Sattler, and others; and a glossary of terms by the curators. Design by K. Verlag with Ginny Rose Davis and Megan Ricca.
- German and English
- 196 pages
- 20 x 29.7 cm cm
- Reversible book in two languages; full color, richly illustrated
- Double folded cover, thread-sewn, open spine
- ISBN: 978-3-947858-22-4
- Institutional partner: Kleine Humboldt Galerie, Humboldt University Berlin; Tieranatomisches Theater (TA T), Berlin
Published on 01 March 2021